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Fact #191387


Short story:

In The Empire, Liverpool, England, UK, The Beatles appear on BBC tv's record review show Juke Box Jury as the entire panel. Backstage, they meet aspiring politician Jeffrey Archer, who persuades them to be photographed as part of an Oxfam fund-raising appeal. Later, the group plays two shows at The Odeon, Liverpool.

Full article:

David Jacobs (presenter) : We broadcast Juke Box Jury from the Liverpool Empire. I spoke to the audience first and, as you can imagine, they were very excited and I knew that if I wasn't able to control them, they would run riot. When I introduced each of The Beatles on stage, the cheer was so great, it sounded like the entire jet fleet of British Airways taking off. Once they'd settled down, the boys were tremendous and it was a great programme. We had our highest-ever viewing figure, something like 24 million people watching it that night.

Tony Bramwell (Beatles' aide) : That was one hell of a day. As well as being the panel on Juke Box Jury, the band did a concert for the fanclub in Liverpool at The Empire, and then went on to do two shows at The Odeon on the same night.
(Source : not known)