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Fact #190886


Short story:

The Beatles play at The Gaumont, Wolverhampton, England, UK, Europe, supported by The Vernons Girls, The Brook Brothers, Peter Jay and The Jaywalkers, and others.

Full article:

Tony Bramwell (Beatles' aide) : The new road manager, Mal Evans, crashed The Beatles' van the night before this gig, and was quite badly injured. The gear was smashed up, and Mal was taken off to hospital. So I was sent out from the office to find the van in a garage in Walsall, assess the damage and get the gear to Wolverhampton in time for the gig. I had to hire another van, and literally stuck the gear together with tape to make it playable for the show.

Valerie Lloyd : I was lucky enough to be one of the winners of a competition run by a music paper. The prize was two tickets to see The Beatles in Wolverhampton and to meet them beforehand in the their dressing room.

The first thing I saw was an orange face (stage make-up) almost completely veiled by a floppy mop of hair. This was George. I shook hands with him and the rest of The Beatles. Ringo, because he's rather small, got up on a chair and started shaking hands with everyone – including John, Paul and George – all over again.

When The Beatles came on, and throughout their act, there was continual screaming, so loud that you had a job to hear what The Beatles were singing. And we were in the front row.
(Source : The Beatles Book, November 1964)

Frances Cartwright (audience) : It was absolutely wonderful and the sight of them up there on stage will stay with me forever.

John Smith (audience) : I didn't think they would ever make it and I said so at the time. I'm just glad I didn't put any money on it.