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Fact #190810


Short story:

The Kinks' management company Denmark Productions, signs a recording contract with Pye Records in London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Dave Davies (guitarist, The Kinks] : Louis Benjamin, the MD of Pye, was only ever interested in how much anything was going to cost, but to be fair, he gave us a chance when nobody else would. We'd been turned down by Phillips and Decca and everybody, probably more people than The Beatles were. Louis Benjamin, however, saw that we had something going on and he put his money where his mouth was. Not that it was a lot of money.

Even so, he provided us with the means by which we could express our creativity.

I was like, fifteen, sixteen years old. All I wanted was to get in there and do it. The one guy from the record company who I always remember was the plugger, Johnny Wise. He always had his sleeves rolled up, and was bursting with enthusiasm for the music, and I felt better, safer even, when he was around. He liked The Kinks, and worked hard for us. He was hilarious, and he worked very hard for us promoting our records to the radio.
(Source : not known)