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Fact #190445


Short story:

Brian Epstein, manager of The Beatles, flies to New York City, USA, where another of his acts, Billy J. Kramer And The Dakotas, are beginning a ten-day-long promotional tour. While in New York, Epstein also makes plans for The Beatles' first visit to America.

Full article:

Billy J. Kramer : I couldn't believe it was me there, all that way from Liverpool. We had one meal in a restaurant forty-three storeys up. I reckon they ought to give you a parachute along with the serviette.

Talk about rush! I was in a television studio just one hour after landing. But later on I had a chance to go shopping. I bought some new suits, but the funny thing is the Americans dig the British cut these days. So I ended up with outfits I could easily have got made up in London – except that the lightweight materials were much more fab.

I bought a lot of records. That's another funny thing. Instead of making for the night-clubs and the shows all along Broadway, there was I hunting round all these little disc-stores, picking out LPs of way-out singers like Martha And The Vandellas and The Miracles. Anyway, The Beatles had given me a list of things they wanted, like The Shirelles and The Miracles.
Billy J. Kramer : I thought that Brian was a very sensitive person. Deep down he was also a very generous person. All I know is that Brian was very good to me, regardless of the fact that he was a homosexual. As far as I'm concerned, it takes all sorts to make this world go round. For a long time I was not even aware that Brian was gay. He never came across that way. To me he was very thoughtful. He used to send my family birthday and Christmas cards. These things are never mentioned. He took care of me when my mother died, for instance, and he always dropped in to see my dad and took him out for meals and drinks.
(Source : not known)