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Fact #189998


Short story:

At 57 Wimpole Street, London, the home of the parents of Paul McCartney's girlfriend Jane Asher, McCartney and John Lennon of The Beatles write a new song, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, which they will record the following day.

Full article:

As Lennon later recounted: "We wrote a lot of stuff together, one on one, eyeball to eyeball. Like in 'I Want to Hold Your Hand,' I remember when we got the chord that made the song. We were in Jane Asher's house, downstairs in the cellar playing on the piano at the same time. And we had, 'Oh you-u-u/Got that something...' And Paul hits this chord, and I turn to him and say, 'That's it!' I said, 'Do that again!' In those days, we really used to absolutely write like that — both playing into each other's noses."