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Fact #189604


Short story:

The Beatles make their first international appearance with a show in Stockholm, Sweden, Europe, as the opening act for Joey Dee And The Starliters. After the performance, Joey Dee invites The Beatles to his party at the Foresta Hotel in Stockholm.

Full article:

Joey Dee : We went to my hotel suite, and we must have drank a gallon of whiskey each. We had a lot of laughs.
(Source : https://www.joeydee.com/bio/)

Ewa Säfwenberg (Swedish fan) : My friend, Lena, had known Paul from her days in England. The Beatles contacted her when they came to Sweden and I was the lucky one who came with her. First we saw the concert at the Tennis Hall. After the concert we left in a limousine. John was in the front seat. It was amazing to see all the fans outside the car. 

Later Paul and I followed Lena to Nacka where more of her friends were waiting to meet Paul. They had a pleasant evening together that ended outside the Central Station, near Paul's hotel. John, George and Ringo stayed in Stockholm.
(Source : not known)