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Fact #189591


Short story:

The Yardbirds play their first night of a residency at The Crawdaddy Club, in the Station Hotel, Richmond, Surrey, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Giorgio Gomelsky (promoter/agent/manager) : I had first been taken to hear them rehearsing on top of a pub in East Sheen, near Richmond. As we're going up the stairs I hear ta-ta-ta-ta TATATATA. Resting on a chord – later known as a 'power chord' – they're playing a sort of manic accelerando, and it caught my ear instantly. I go, 'Oh, oh, very interesting!' Open the door and there they are – The Yardbirds. The first thing I told them when the song finally stopped was : 'You got the job.'

It was pre-Clapton; the guitarist was Anthony 'Top' Topham, a 15-year-old kid. His dad didn't want him to become a professional musician at that stage. The others were around 17-18. I gave them the gig at The Crawdaddy.