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Fact #189491


Short story:

Bo Diddley with Jerome and the Duchess plays the first of two nights at the Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, Europe.

Full article:

Sam Hardie (pianist, Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes) : Bo Diddley was handing out publicity badges to everyone. Our drummer at the time, Jim Doyle was a jazz drummer, and no lover of rhythm and blues. He covered his coat with Bo’s badges and Bo thought he was one of his biggest fans. He didn’t realise he was taking the mickey.

Don Arden (manager/agent) : Bo Diddley wasn’t a star. He was just a well-known name. So there was no ego, just a happy-go-lucky guy. All he ever asked me was, ‘What time am I on and when do I get paid?’ I liked that.
(Source : http://www.spencerleigh.co.uk/2014/09/we-used-to-have-good-times-together/2/)