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Fact #189260


Short story:

Roy Orbison plays at The Odeon, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Europe, supported by The Searchers, Bob Luman, Freddie And The Dreamers, and Brian Poole And The Tremeloes.

Full article:

Nic Dartnell : I saw Orbison when he played in Glasgow. My brother Pat, who was a huge Orbison fan, took me. I was just thirteen and it was the first rock gig I'd ever been to. All of the acts seemed great to me, particularly The Searchers, and the whole show made a big impression on me. I remember a throng of people out in the street who seemed more interested in The Searchers than Orbison.

I remember thinking how strong Orbison's voice and his presence were, but because of his dark glasses and the way he stood there staring at the audience, never moving, I was convinced he must be blind, and went on believing that for many years.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black)