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Fact #189257


Short story:

In EMI Studio 2, Abbey Road, London, England, UK, Europe, The Beatles are recording tracks, including I Wanna Be Your Man, All I've Got To Do, Don't Bother Me, Little Child, Not A Second Time and All I've Got To Do, for their next album.

Full article:

Chris Roberts (journalist, Melody Maker] : For the next take (of Not A Second Time) the only performers were John Lennon and (producer) George Martin … playing a simple bass note accompaniment to the song while John sang over his own voice, and a rolling Cramer-style solo in the middle.

As John followed his vocal part, Paul and George waltzed madly around the carpeted floor, making elaborate bows to each other.

John Lennon : That's me trying to do Smokey Robinson. (on All I've Got To Do)
(Source : not known)