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Fact #188824


Short story:

The Beatles, Billy J. Kramer And The Dakotas, Tommy Quickly, The Lanas, The Sons Of The Piltdown Men and Gary And Lee play the last of five days of shows at The Gaumont Cinema, Bournemouth, Hampshire, UK, Europe

Full article:

Chris Roberts (reviewer, Melody Maker] : The compere is saying, 'And now, what you've been waiting for', and the screams drown his opening announcement, as the curtains roll back to reveal The Beatles – in person – playing Roll Over Beethoven.

The excitement is infectious, as the Liverpudlian-accented announcements come breathlessly through the speakers into the auditiorium, and they go through their best-selling records, with screams greeting every movement, every falsetto note, every crescendo.

An autograph book, a handkerchief with a coin inside, start a shower of missiles, several narrowly missing the valuable heads bobbing in time with the thumping music.

The curtain goes down, rises, the screams and applause follow it, and the most highly-paid act in Britain has finished until The Next Time.

"Look at this," says Paul in the dressing room, showing a five-inch metal blanket pin. "It's bloody dangerous. This could have taken someone's eye out."