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Fact #188663


Short story:

The Beatles begin five days of shows at the Gaumont Cinema, Bournemouth, Hampshire, UK, Europe. Support acts for these shows are Billy J. Kramer And The Dakotas, Tommy Quickly, The Lanas, The Sons Of The Piltdown Men, Gary And Lee and Tommy Wallis And Beryl.

Full article:

Dec Cluskey (The Bachelors) : We were in Bournemouth, they were in the cinema opposite, we were in The Pavilion, We wanted to see what all this big deal was, about these four guys who were creating this big storm. So we sneaked over during the afternoon while they were in rehearsing. So I had a little look, then I went into the loo and, when I'm standing up against the wall, this guy walked in with this hair, and I turned round and, blow me, it's Paul McCartney.

Bear in mind, we'd never met, and there was this jealousy-enmity going on, and the two of us turned to each other and, I'll tell you what, I'm the man who peed on Paul McCartney's shoes. And he peed on mine.

Andy Summers (guitarist, The Police) : They played in my home town, and I actually did go to see them. They came out and on two of the songs they played, they said, 'One of these is going to be our next single. Shout for whichever one you like the most.' One of them was She Loves You, and everyone shouted for that, so it was their next single.
(Source : not known)