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Fact #188544


Short story:

The Beatles begin six nights of shows at The Odeon Cinema, Llandudno, Wales, UK, Europe, supported by Billy J. Kramer And The Dakotas, Tommy Quickly, The Lana Sisters, The Sons Of The Piltdown Men, Gary And Lee and Tommy Wallis And Beryl. Compere is comedian Billy Baxter.

Full article:

Mary Hopkin : I was holidaying with my family and we planned to motor up to Scotland, We got as far as Llandudno, Wales, and I saw that The Beatles were playing there. My sister, Carole, and I begged Dad to stop – and we did, for three days, so that we could see them. I've always been a terrific fan and I remember queueing for tickets and joining that great audience who were singing and clapping and shouting for more.

I waited for ages outside the stage door just to see them flash by in the car. I spent all my pocket-money on jelly babies because they'd said it was their favourite sweet.
(Source : not known)