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Fact #188419


Short story:

The Rolling Stones play at St Leonard's Hall, Horsham, England, UK, Europe, supported by Peter And The Hustlers.

Full article:

Geoff Farndell (Peter And The Hustlers) : I remember for the climax of our act, we played Jack the Ripper, the old Dave (Screaming Lord) Sutch number. We had the hall totally blacked out during the two instrumental solos and had a large luminous hand cum claw and a dagger which, when Pete waved them around, appeared to float around the stage.

The kids went wild and we were well pleased. We thought "OK, Stones, beat that!"

The Stones, oddly enough, struggled to get the crowd with them. The local kids were only used to 'normal' pop and didn't seem keen on Chuck Berry or Bo Diddley type R'n'B.

Read more about Geoff Farndell's adventures in the 60s rock scene at http://www.farndell.supanet.com