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Fact #188418


Short story:

The Beatles appear at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, for the last time. The Merseybeats are on the same bill.

Full article:

Bob Wooler : That (gig) only came about because Epstein couldn't pull them out of a booking at the Grafton Ballroom the night before. Les Ackerley (of the Grafton) said, 'No, I have got them under contract,' and Epstein was furious because, by then, he had other things in mind for them. They were coming to Liverpool for the Friday, so we were offered them on Saturday. We only had them because he couldn't get them out of the Friday booking. I rather resented this, as he was doing it to get at Ackerley, to steal his thunder.

The Beatles were paid £300, which was quite a bit of money then. We made no money out of it, because Brian restricted the audience to 500 and, as the admission price was ten shillings, that meant £250 on the door. All the staff had to be paid, and the other groups on the bill too.

Paddy Delaney (doorman) : The crowds outside were going mad. By the time John Lennon had got through a cordon of girls, his mohair jacket had lost a sleeve. I grabbed it to stop the girl getting away with a souvenir. John immediately stitched the sleeve back on.

John Lennon : We couldn't say it, but we didn't really like going back to Liverpool. Being local heroes made us nervous. When we did shows there they were always full of people we knew. We felt embarrassed in our suits and being very clean. We were worried that friends might think we'd sold out. Which we had, in a way.
(Source : not known)