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Fact #187691


Short story:

The Beatles play at The Astoria, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England, UK, Europe

Full article:

Rick Wilkinson (former DJ at the Astoria) : The Beatles were signed to appear at The Astoria by Brian Naylor, the then manager, for £30 after the release of Love Me Do in 1962.

It proved to be a very clever signing because by June 1963 they were a sensation.

I shared my dressing room with them and received their autographs four times over.

It was a full house, admission was 7/6 with the queue turning around the corners of the Astoria outside.
(Source : https://www.questia.com/newspaper/1G1-313167711/how-the-beatles-first-struck-a-chord)

Margaret Spark (fan) : The place was packed, mainly with teenage girls like ourselves.

We could not get near the stage so we found ourselves in the balcony where we had a great view.

I remember we were really excited going to see them. We had already bought their singles and their first album and loved the music, but actually going to see them was really great.
(Source : https://www.questia.com/newspaper/1G1-266846889/the-other-big-show-of-1963)