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Fact #187502


Short story:

Mal Evans, MD Of The Beatles' Apple Records, writes in his diary that he feels "hurt and sad inside" because he has been demoted to the position of office boy.

Full article:

Mal Evans (diary entry) : Paul is really cutting down on the Apple staff members. I was elevated to office boy and I feel very hurt and sad inside - only big boys don't cry. Why I should feel hurt and reason for writing this is ego... I thought I was different from other people in my relationship with The Beatles and being loved by them and treated so nice, I felt like one of the family. Seems I fetch and carry. I find it difficult to live on the £38 I take home each week and would love to be like their other friends who buy fantastic homes and have all the alterations done by them, and are still going to ask for a rise. I always tell myself - look, everybody wants to take from, be satisfied, try to give and you will receive. After all this time I have about £70 to my name, but was content and happy. Loving them as I do, nothing is too much trouble, because I want to serve them. "Feel a bit better now - EGO?"