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Fact #187183


Short story:

Gene Vincent and The Hollies play at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, supported by local band The Incas.

Full article:

Terry Broughton : I was in a group called The Incas. We appeared at The Cavern several times but, on the 19th May 1963, we had Gene Vincent and The Hollies on the bill. What a night. We always played some of the latest songs, and one was one of The Hollies called Hey, What's Wrong With Me?, which we did a good version of. We played it and when we came off The Hollies went on and it was their opening song! They weren't too happy with us - we'd stolen their opening song! But a great night, and I still have photos of Gene Vincent in The Cavern "dressing room"!!!
(Source : not known)