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Fact #187179


Short story:

A new line-up of The King Kasuals plays at the Del Morocco, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Their guitarist is James Marshall Hendrix, later to become Jimi Hendrix.

Full article:

Billy Cox (King Kasuals) : I think we went on at nine. Nine o'clock, no Jimmy. Ten o'clock, no Jimmy. We're starting to get a little worried, so I run up to the house where he lives. Knocked on the door. He says 'Come in.' I go in. He's lying there, and I go, 'Hey, Jimmy, you're late for the gig.' He says, 'I dreamed the gig was cancelled so I went back to sleep.'

Larry Lee (King Kasuals) : He was in a kind of rut, he wasn't going nowhere. He always had big dreams, and he always said he was going to be famous and have a thousand guitars laying around in the house and he always said he had some songs but he never brought them up.

Billy Cox : Larry was a sort of master to Jimi, teaching him some very important things that he would need on the journey. Larry had taken Jimi by the hand and taught him a lot of things about the blues that you couldn't find in a book.
(Source : not known)