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Fact #186965


Short story:

Brian Jones, as leader of The Rolling Stones, signs a contract with Impact Sound, owned by rock entrepreneurs Andrew Oldham and Eric Easton.

Full article:

Giorgio Gomelsky (former agent/manager, Rolling Stones) :The first thing I did when I came back (from a visit to Switzerland), I showed, not the rushes but a rough cut of the first part of a film I had shot before leaving. I wanted it to be a 20-minute thing. This was up to like eight or nine minutes. And Brian Jones brings this guy to the screening. He introduces me to him and says, 'This is Andrew. We went to school together and he's visiting me.' So Brian – perfidious Brian as it turned out –manipulated the whole thing. Of course he never went to school with Andrew. Brian stabbed me...

Of course, I think Andrew offered him personally some money. I think that at some point later on, the other Stones found out that Brian was getting a cut above them. They didn't like that very much.

Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) : They fucked Giorgio because he had nothing on paper with us. They screwed him to get us a recording contract.

Giorgio Gomelsky : I was choked and shocked, obviously. My friend Brian deceived me. Years later I had it confirmed from Bill Wyman that Brian had manipulated the situation. One of the reasons he had put forward to the others was that they shouldn't trust a 'foreigner' like me to manage their affairs. Talking about Brit xenophobia! The other reason? Eric Easton gave him the money to have a custom-made suit.

Andrew Oldham : Brian was an important power in the Stones while he could play. Once he'd stopped trying and decided to play rhythm guitar that was it. Brian was basically the manager of the group until Eric and I were. When a real manager comes along you've got to assume that some people can handle the loss of power and some can't. Within a short time of Eric and I signing the Stones for everything, they were coming to us direct. He'd lost his power. In 'Charlie Is My Darling', the film I made, he said he wouldn't be around at 27. That seemed to be a big age with him. He was self-destructive.
(Source : not known)