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Fact #186931


Short story:

John Lennon of The Beatles and the group's manager, Brian Epstein, fly to Spain, Europe, on holiday.

Full article:

John Lennon : I went on holiday to Spain with Brian, which started all the rumours that he and I were having a love affair, but not quite. It was never consummated. But we did have a pretty intense relationship. And it was my first experience with someone I knew was a homosexual. He admitted it to me. We had this holiday together because Cyn was pregnant and we left her with the baby and went to Spain. Lots of funny stories, you know. We used to sit in cafes and Brian would look at all the boys and I would ask, 'Do you like that one? Do you like this one?' It was just the combination of our closeness and the trip that started the rumours.
(Source : not known)