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Fact #186774


Short story:

Hit-making drummer Sandy Nelson crashes his motorcycle on Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Full article:

Sandy Nelson : I had just gotten off a tour in the mid-west, and the tour was so rough,
a couple of the guys from The Marketts, one of the fellas was recognized by a girl he
got pregnant when he was in The Marketts, so he ended up in jail on my tour! It was a
mess, it was snowing and I had a cold, I thought, 'Oh my God, when I get back home
to the little house I'd rented in the Hollywood hills, I'm going to buy a new bed and
stay in it for five months'. I got my wish, except that the bed was in a hospital due to
my accident.

It was April '63. I was on a small Honda motorcycle. I was going home to change my
clothes and then I was going to drive my car to Burbank airport to go to San Diego to
meet a priest because I was engaged to a Catholic girl and they were trying to talk me
into becoming a Catholic. I wasn't in a hurry but I took a route in Mulholland Drive that
has a lot of curves. A big yellow school bus came round the corner and the turn was
way too tight for it to negotiate very well. My left elbow scraped the side of the bus
and my first thought was, 'Oh, I hope I've got some bandages at home,' not knowing
that I was going to topple over near the back of the bus and my foot would get caught
up in the wheels. They had to amputate it a few weeks later. On the bus was Bonnie
Raitt, who was seventeen at the time.
(Source : not known)