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Fact #186353


Short story:

Tommy Roe, Chris Montez and The Beatles play at The Empire, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Chris Montez : While we were on tour they had a few days off and they made an album They came back and played it to me. I couldn't stop singing, 'She was just 17, you know what I mean.' It is now one of my favourite songs.

Paul McCartney : He was top of the bill, but halfway through, they switched it and put us on top. It was as embarrassing as hell for him. I mean, what could you say to him? 'Sorry, Chris?' He took it well.

Chris Montez : No, I was top of the charts and topping the bill, but when we got to Liverpool, I said, 'This is your town, you close the show, I'm not the headliner here." They were impressed that I went on before them.
(Source : not known)