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Fact #186280


Short story:

In Australia, Oceania, The Bee Gees release their debut single, a country-flavoured song called The Battle Of The Blue And The Grey.

Full article:

Barry Gibb (Bee Gees) : I think we made about seven, from seven to eleven singles that all flopped in a row. So we really found out what failure was all about before we even started. So there just didn't seem to be, it seemed to be a track record. This is really good. I wonder how many flops in a row we can actually get. (Source : VH1 tv documentary transcript).

Robin Gibb (Bee Gees) : We were just having fun, but at the same time we didn’t have many friends because they couldn’t relate to what we were doing. They were playing football and we were writing songs and we were writing songs for fun not to be successful, we liked the idea of being famous but not for money and not for the accolades.
[Source : Bee Gees' Radio Special, broadcast on July 14, 2009, with interviewer Terry Underhill.]