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Fact #186158


Short story:

Tommy Roe, Chris Montez and The Beatles play at The Regal Cinema, Cambridge, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Michael Howard (audience) : My most abiding memory off the concert at The Regal was that it was impossible to hear any of the music because of the screaming of the fans.

Mick Oates (audience) : In contrast to Michael Howard, I remember hearing The Beatles' songs very clearly. There was no 'wall of noise' such as I encountered a couple of years later when a crowd of us went to see them at a venue in London when they were top of the bill.

Jean Chainey (audience) : We used to go to all the pop shows at The Regal. I remember seeing Cliff (Cliff Richard) there, among others but this night I was more interested in The Beatles than the Americans. We all loved Please Please Me - even my mother was fond of them. We queued for such a long time to get the tickets and then again to get in. Other than that, at the show, everybody was screaming.