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Fact #186116


Short story:

Tommy Roe, Chris Montez and The Beatles play at The Colston Hall, Bristol, England, UK. Later that night, The Beatles borrow £20 from Ken Brown, a former member of The Quarrymen.

Full article:

Pat Giles (audience) : Of all the times I've been to the Colston Hall that had to be the most exciting and I'll remember it forever. The crowd was screaming so loud you couldn't hear a word they were singing… all of a sudden a large amount of flour descended on the band from above…Ringo was covered the most and just stood there…. John looked at Paul and then they all started laughing. They couldn't contain themselves and we didn't know whether they were going to go off stage but they stayed and carried on regardless.
(Source : http://www.colstonhall.org/aboutthehall/history/history5)

Ken Brown : I had moved to London ... The telephone rang and it was Neil Aspinall, their road manager. He told me the boys were in a bit of a jam - they had run out of money. The next night they were due to appear in Sheffield. Unless someone helped them out, they would have to sleep in the van. Neil wondered if I would lend them twenty quid. Eventually, I agreed, and they all turned up at our flat. Neil came to the door, then I went down to the van to see the boys. I handed over the money, which they repaid six weeks later. I told them we were moving into a caravan. 'Great,' said Paul. 'We'll all drop in to see you sometime.' And with that they drove off into the night.