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Fact #186089


Short story:

Billy J. Kramer And The Dakotas record Do You Want To Know A Secret at EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London, England, UK, Europe. The song is written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney of The Beatles.

Full article:

Billy J. Kramer : I was working at British Rail, up at six in the morning, came home, washed, loaded the van with equipment, did a show, then back to work the next day and I thought to myself if I ever get a break I am going to take it. If they had wanted to turn professional I would have been thrilled, but Brian (manager Brian Epstein) put me in touch with The Dakotas from Manchester, they were more experienced than me. It wasn’t the greatest of relationships.

I was at home one day, Brian called me up and said come into the office, I want to see you. I went to his office and John Lennon was there, he said he had a suggestion, I asked what it was and he said why don’t you call yourself Billy J Kramer instead of Billy Kramer, it would have more of a ring to it, and people will be able to catch onto it easier.
(Source : interview at https://www.zani.co.uk/archive/music-archive/item/524-sixties-legend-billy-j-kramer-talks-to-zani)

Billy J. Kramer : (Producer) George Martin is right on our wavelength. On my first visit to the studio, I was so overwhelmed My voice kept cracking with fright. I felt about two feet high, but George kept saying, 'Don't worry … it happens to everybody.'
(Source : not known)