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Fact #185658


Short story:

Jason Hook of Five Finger Death Punch is hospitalised, where it is determined that his gall bladder must be remov ed. After undergoing emergency surgery, he is told he must remain in hospital until doctors determine he is fit to be discharged. This day's show at Amsoil Arena, Duluth, Minnesota, USA, is cancelled, as are the subsequent three scheduled shows.

Full article:

Bruce Reiter (production manager, Five Finger Death Punch) : I remember we played a show in Duluth, Minnesota, and we were already loaded in and all set to do the show when it became obvious that Jason was very sick, in a horrible state. They had to take him to the hospital right away and he had his gall bladder removed, and we had to cancel three shows.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, February 2020)