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Fact #185056


Short story:

The full-length Disney animated film Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs is released in the USA, featuring such memorable songs as Someday My Prince Will Come, Whistle While You Work and Heigh-Ho, composed by Frank Churchill and Larry Morey.

Full article:

Wilfred Jackson (Disney animator/director) : I was in the Music Room. I shared that with the musician, my assistant director.

On Snow White I don't remember who the musician was in the Music Room. It wouldn't have been Churchill. Churchill and Larry Morey worked together in their own office in a different part of the building. There would have been some musician with me - quite possibly it was Leigh Harline, he was with me for many years.

He was with me on the shorts along about that time. Probably he was the musician. And in the adjoining room with a door through so you wouldn't have to go out in the hallway was the layout man's room - would be the layout man with two or three assistants.

We worked closer with Walt on that picture than any since the very, very, very early ones. Partly because it was a fun sequence. The gags were funny, the music was fun to work with. The problems we had were interesting ones to work out.
(Source : not known)