Fact #184763
Short story:
Neil Diamond plays at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, Australia, Oceania, he is unexpectedly joined on stage by Roy Orbison.
When Full article:
Neil Diamond : I first met Roy Orbison on stage in Melbourne, Australia in 1976. Recognizing him out of the corner of my eye at one of my concerts, I brought him up on stage for some bows and maybe a song together. The audience had the same idea, so Roy was kind of pushed into it. He picked up a guitar and kicked into Pretty Woman, one of the great records of my teen years. It took less than eight bars to realize that I was only excess baggage. We were heading for some stratospheric notes so I backed off quietly and stopped singing altogether, letting The Master do one of his masterpieces alone. It takes someone great to capture the world and Roy Orbison is one of the greats.
(Source : sleeve notes to Roy Orbison – The Soul Of Rock And Roll box set, 2008)
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(Source : sleeve notes to Roy Orbison – The Soul Of Rock And Roll box set, 2008)