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Fact #183640


Short story:

Roger Waters notifies EMI Records by letter that he is no longer a member of Pink Floyd.

Full article:

Johnny Black (Mojo magazine) : Did your leadership of the band cause the friction that led to you leaving?

Roger Waters : My leadership of the band meant that we became less and less of a group as the years went by. In particular, Dave’s attitudes and beliefs were very different from mine, and a lot of niggling developed.

We patched it up time and again out of fear of leaving the security of what we had, but making The Final Cut was the final straw. I was virtually the one in the studio and the others just didn’t seem to care. Dave wanted me to wait until he had written some more material but given that he’d written maybe three songs in the whole of the previous five years, I couldn’t see when that was going to happen. It all got very nasty.

I remember being in a meeting with Rupert Loewenstein, around November 1984, where he was talking about the next tour and I said to him, “You don’t get it, do you? It’s over.”

The name Pink Floyd should have died then but, in the long run, I don’t suppose it really matters.

David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) : Roger spent the rest, the next year or two (after the release of The Final Cut), saying, "I think we should call it quits, I think we should jack it in and say enough is enough, we've had a very good run."

And I said, "Well, fine - that's your opinion but it isn't my opinion - I've had a good run I know, but I still wanna have more of a good run" - being a greedy sort of chap.

And he said, "Well I think we should pack it in." And I said, "Well I don't think we should pack it in", and er, it went on like this for a couple of years, I think. And he kept saying "When are you gonna do something? What are you gonna do?" And I said "I dunno. When I'm good and ready, and when I feel confident about it I'll make a suggestion to the band", and, you know, 'cause I knew Roger wasn't going to start making a suggestion about going in.

He sort of grumbled and groaned about it and, I think eventually to try and make me make a move he said, "Right, well I'm quitting then", and sent letters to EMI and CBS records saying, "I've left the band" and stuff – December 85. Um, and we said "well, that's your decision if that's what you wanna do - so be it" you know, Sorry to lose you and all that, but…