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Fact #183634


Short story:

Diana Ross, formerly of The Supremes, begins her solo career with eight nights of shows at Caesar's Monticello on Route 9, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA.

Full article:

Gerry Brooks : We played Caesar’s Monticello on Route 9 in Framingham, MA, a supper club that drew all the big names. Miss Ross (as she preferred to be called) had just left the Supremes, and her first solo engagement was booked at the Monticello.

Sure, Willie Tyler and Lester was the official opening act. But before Miss Ross, before Willie and Lester, there was a testimonial dinner for Mr. Francis J. Cavanaugh.

Mr. Cavanaugh was retiring after many years in the Framingham school system, including long stints at Saxonville elementary school and North High School. When I happened to attend both. (Plus, my father was Mr. Cavanaugh’s plumber. So no transgression went unpunished.)

I suspect Mr. Cavanaugh’s testimonial was booked before Miss Ross’s engagement, but whatever the circumstance, our worlds collided on stage that evening. I was one of the student speakers on the very stage Miss Ross was about to adorn. (And lemme tell ya, I killed!)
Source : https://brooksfile.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/opening-for-diana-ross/