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Fact #181857


Short story:

At a meeting with Warner Brothers to finalise a loan, Mike Jeffery, manager of Jimi Hendrix, offers the company a Hendrix soundtrack album.

Full article:

Jim Marron (Hendrix staff) : Steve Weiss had just finished the deal to secure the loan for the studio. Jeffery thanked everyone for helping out and remarked, ‘Now we’re going to the studio to continue working.’ One of the executives said, ‘Finally, some product.’ Jeffery turned to him and said, ‘Yes, we’re doing a soundtrack album. Would you like to buy it?’ They exploded. ‘What?!?’

Jeffery said, ‘Yes, if you read your contract with my artist, it excludes soundtrack recordings.’ They were pissed, and that’s when I started worrying about Jeffery. You just don’t do that to Big Brother and get away with it. But he did.

When one of them called him a shrewd bastard, he sat right down and said, ‘Do you want a soundtrack? Let’s negotiate. We are making a film.’ I admired him for that, because that was what good negotiating was all about.

Bob Levine (Hendrix staff) : He had to show Warner Brothers that he wasn’t intimidated by their loan for the studio. He had to show that the relationship would remain business as usual.
(Source : not known)