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Fact #181605


Short story:

The Beatles continue to work in EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London, England, UK, Europe, on Come Together, Sun King, Mean Mr Mustard, Polythene Pam, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, You Never Give Me Your Money, Golden Slumbers and Carry That Weight.

Full article:

George Harrison (guitarist, The Beatles] : The sort of big medley of Paul and John's songs all shoved together. Uh, You Never Give Me Your Money... it's really hard - you have to hear this, because it's - it does like two verses of one tune. And then it goes - the sort of bridge of it is like a different song all together. Which goes out of that into, um... this is quite melodic and stuff.

Then Sun King is a bit of sort of John's thing. Which has got a funny bit, it's like, uh... I think John called this one Los Paranioas.

Uh, Mean Mr. Mustard, John wrote, and Polythene Pam, I think he wrote both of those in India about eighteen months ago. Uh, Came In Through The Bathroom Window is very good song of Paul's, with good lyrics. It's really hard to explain what they're about.

Anyway. And Golden Slumbers - all these link up. Golden Slumbers is another very melodic tune of Paul's. Which is very nice. Carry That Weight is, um... as if it's part of Golden Slumbers. In fact, Carry That Weight keeps coming in and out of it. Different times. And The End is just the end, it's just a little sort of sequence which ends it all. And, uh...you really have to hear all that. But it's - so far, I can't - maybe it's when I get the album finished and in the sleeve, then I'll get some sort of impression of it.
(Source : not known)