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Fact #180128


Short story:

Jimi Hendrix is in The Record Plant, New York City, USA, working on Sending My Love To Linda, Power Of Soul, Paper Airplanes and Burning Desire.

Full article:

Eddie Kramer (engineer) : After the recording (of the Fillmore shows) Jimi and I sat down and rough-mixed all the songs from the four shows at Juggy Sound… I remember very clearly a lot of whining on Jimi’s part when it came time for Buddy’s (Buddy Miles) solo stuff, which went on ad infinitum. Jimi would say ‘Oh Christ, Buddy, would you shut up?’ We had to do a lot of editing to make it right. I mean, he loved playing with Buddy. Don’t get me wrong. It’s just that, at times, Buddy could be a bit excessive and Jimi felt it was appropriate to do some judicious editing.

Gerry Stickells (Hendrix road crew) : Buddy was a solid, lay-down-the-beat, rock’n’roll drummer. Mitch had a certain bit of jazz background there that allowed him to move around a bit, around what Jimi was doing.
(Source : not known)