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Fact #178580


Short story:

R.E.M. release their third album, Fables Of The Reconstruction, in the UK on IRS Records.

Full article:

Peter Buck : The last day of rehearsal, I think with Joe Boyd in attendance, Jim Hawkins recorded what we had come up with.  We spent about four hours recording all the new songs live, with minimal overdubs.  I hadn't listened to this stuff since we recorded it, and I'm kind of stunned at how good it is.  My memory of the rehearsals is us scrambling to finish songs.  The songs on both Murmur and Reckoning had been performed for months if not years by the time they were committed to tape.  I remember feeling dangerously unprepared when we flew to London, but on the evidence of this recording we must have known what we were doing.
(Source : sleeve note to 2010 CD re-issue of the Fables Of the Reconstruction)