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Fact #178240


Short story:

On their Ab ba : The Tour tour, Abba play their final live concert together, on the second of two nights at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.

Full article:

Thomas Johansson (promoter) : I did all of the Abba dates. I produced and promoted them together with partners throughout the word - Mr. Udo in Japan, Paul Dainty in Australia, Harvey Goldsmith, Barry Dickins, Alec Leslie, Rod MacSween, Kennedy Street in the UK, Mama Concerts in Germany, Leon at Mojo in Holland. When they finished in Tokyo, that was what they wanted to do. Then Bjorn and Benny went on to write successful musicals, Frida did her solo records, and Agnetha did her solo records.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, for Audience magazine, March 2019)