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Fact #178235


Short story:

On his Never Ending Tour, Bob Dylan plays at Ericsson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden, Europe.

Full article:

Barry Dickins (founder, ITB Agency) : I've worked since about 1970 with Thomas Johansson, the big concert promoter in Sweden. One big highlight of our relationship is that I was the man who gave Thomas his last cigarette, at a Bob Dylan concert in Stockholm in 2005. Thomas was trying to give up smoking. I remember we were staying at The Grand Hotel, and I offered him a cigarette. He said, "Well, I’m trying to give up smoking." Then he decided he’d have that one, but it would be his last ever cigarette and, as it turned out, it was. Whenever we meet, he still always reminds me that I’m the man who gave him his last cigarette.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, March 2019)