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Fact #178234


Short story:

On his Never Ending Tour, Bob Dylan plays at The Waterfront Auditorium, Stockholm, Sweden, Europe. During the evening, he is presented with the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Full article:

Thomas Johansson (promoter) : . I’ve worked with Bob Dylan since the late 70s, so I have many memories of working with him. The first big thing I did with Bob was, together with Bill Graham, we did the stadium tour with Dylan and Santana, and I have fond memories of that but the most fantastic memory was when the Nobel Prize committee wanted to give him the Literature Prize and they called me up to ask if I could get hold of Bob Dylan for them. They had some trouble for maybe two or three weeks when they just couldn’t get hold of him. That was quite a drama, because Bob couldn’t turn up to receive the prize because of prior commitments, but eventually he picked up the prize at a show I did with him at The Waterfront Auditorium in Stockholm. The Swedish Nobel Academy came down to the show and we set up a room where they could present him with the award.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, March 2019)