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Fact #177684


Short story:

It is announced that vocalist Jo Payne has left The Enid after five years as its frontman.

Full article:

Joe Payne : After five incredibly challenging and rewarding years together, I’ve made the decision to move on from The Enid to focus on my own projects.

Shortly after the Dust tour finished in April, I was hit hard by the symptoms of depression, for the first and only time in my life. Years of personal events which were completely out of my control had led to ever-building anxiety levels. I had raised the threshold to which I could cope – I told myself it was all for a greater good, and I battled on for those around me.

Unfortunately, nothing good can really come from being ‘strong for too long’. When you ignore the warning signs your mind is trying to alert you to, your body will inevitably shut down.

I had reached the point of needing medical help. That moment is one I look back on as traumatic – but I carry no shame about it. I am aware now that this happens to the best of us, and I expect many people reading this will empathise with the condition.
(Source : interview in Prog magazine, 2016)