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Fact #177357


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Carol Robertson (reviewer, Sunderland Echo) : It was the first time I was let loose on an Empire review. One of the older hands said, 'Make sure you mention everybody on the bill'. If he hadn’t I probably wouldn’t have mentioned The Beatles at all!

I knew nothing about them before I went along. I seem to remember thinking the Red Price Band were superior to The Beatles. Whatever happened to the Red Price Band?

I remember getting the giggles and laughing throughout The Beatles. Imagine sitting there, not being able to hear anything, while these lads gyrated around the stage, doing funny movements. It was like watching a silent film because you couldn’t hear what they were singing or playing. You didn’t even get any idea about what sort of rhythm they were moving to! It did look funny! I was with my boyfriend and he was laughing along with me. A girl behind gave him a dig in the shoulder. I thought; ‘We’re going to get done here!'

They were certainly different and certainly appealed to the girls in the audience who were screaming their heads off. I couldn’t understand why they weren’t listening! I thought the audience should be stopped making such a noise so The Beatles could get on with the songs!

I interviewed Helen Shapiro at a press call the next day and The Beatles were hanging around. They were only a few years older than me and cracking on to each other and being very pleasant. I really liked them. They were really canny lads.
(Source : interview at https://www.randrlife.co.uk/it-was-50-years-ago-today-the-beatles-on-wearside8966/)