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Fact #177145


Short story:

The Beatles play at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, as part of a marathon show also featuring The Fourmost, The Hollies, The Swinging Blue Genes, The Merseybeats, The Roadrunners, The Dominoes and Earl Preston And The TTs.

Full article:

Tony Bramwell (assistant road manager) : This was in the middle of the Helen Shapiro tour, and there was a tour coach but on the early dates, The Beatles were still using their old Ford Thames van because we also had one-nighter gigs at places like The Cavern to get to, so we'd drive to those in the van.

Tony Hicks (The Hollies) : There was competition, inasmuch as there were groups equally as good as each other. There was no jealousy. I must admit that the Liverpool groups come more to mind. As far as Liverpool goes, top of the tree was The Beatles, and then you move down with Gerry And The Pacemakers, Billy J. Kramer and then names that didn't particularly make it, The Remo Four and The Big Three . They stick out in my mind more than Manchester.

George Harrison [The Beatles] : We probably loved The Cavern best of anything. We never lost our identification with the crowd and we never rehearsed anything. We were playing to our own fans who were like us.
(Source : not known)