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Fact #176438


Short story:

Horror-fiction author Stephen King writes a sleeve note for the album Everything You Love Will Be Taken Away by Slaid Cleaves.

Full article:

Cleaves may never set the world alight but his output over two decades has been consistently rewarding and steadily improving. Unfortunately, his adopted home turf of Austin, Texas, is not short of reliable, craftsmanlike hunks, so setting himself apart from the pack has proved a long, arduous process. Happily, this stands out as Cleaves’ most engaging release since Broke Down back at the turn of the century. In Beyond Love, for example, his wistful vocal beautifully captures the poignancy of holding on after love has died. Black T-Shirt paints a telling portrait of confused youth and Trish Murphy’s impeccable harmony vocals on several cuts deserve special mention. Helmed by multi-instrumentalist/producer Gurf Morlix, whose previous credits include Lucinda Williams and Ray Wylie Hubbard, the best moments here manifest the same bright simplicity and unfussy sincerity of The Jayhawks on good form. (Johnny Black)
(Source : Review first appeared in Mojo magazine)