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Fact #176393


Short story:

Sting's daughter Coco Sumner collapses during a meal at a restaurant in Los Angeles, California, USA, and fractures her skull when she hits a chair. She is hospitalised for several days.

Full article:

Sting : I was luckily also in LA and Trudie in London rang to say, 'You have to go to the hospital. Coco is alive but she is in trouble.' It was the longest drive of my life, I was just imagining the worst.

I got there and Coco was fighting tooth and nail with medics and refusing to co-operate. The doctors said this was highly dangerous: Unless we know now whether or not she has a clot she may die. You have to convince her.

I had my little girl's head in my hands and I tried cajoling, begging, bullying. 'You will die. I am your daddy. I am telling you this,' I said. Eventually she agreed and she is now fine but my life flashed in front of me. I had assumed once your kids get to about twenty you don't have to worry, they live their own lives. No, it is a life sentence and the problems they bring are more and more complex and interesting. You never stop worrying about your kids. It is a wonderful responsibility to have.
(Source : interview with the London Evening Standard, 11 Nov 2009)