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Fact #176334


Short story:

President Barack Obama honors Stevie Wonder at the White House in Washington DC, USA, with the second annual Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song.

Full article:

US President Barack Obama : I think it's fair to say that had I not been a Stevie Wonder fan, Michelle might not have dated me. We might not have married. The fact that we agreed on Stevie was part of the essence of our courtship.

Michelle Obama : Barack and I chose the song, You And I, as our wedding song.

Bob Dylan : Right now America is in a state of upheaval. Poverty is demoralising. You can't expect people to have the virtue of purity when they are poor.

But we've got this guy out there now who is redefining the nature of politics from the ground up... Barack Obama.

He's redefining what a politician is, so we'll have to see how things play out. Am I hopeful? Yes, I'm hopeful that things might change. Some things are going to have to.

You should always take the best from the past, leave the worst back there and go forward into the future.
(Source : The Times, June 5, 2008)