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Fact #176218


Short story:

During a European tour, Frank Zappa plays at Palaeur, Rome, Italy, Europe.

Full article:

Claudio Trotta (concert Promoter) : In 1988 I brought Frank Zappa to Italy for what ended up being his last concert.

Meeting him was one of the most intense episodes of my professional career.

Before those concerts, he rehearsed for four months and he would also rehearse for two hours before every show.

He often changed the setlist making his musicians unhappy and tired of his extreme approach.

During those concerts, he played songs like Ravel's Bolero and even a version of Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin and once, while at Palaeur in Rome, he thanked me for the magnificent tour.

We dined together at the end of every show, conversing at 360 degrees, it was him to suggest to me the idea of a music magazine and that was why I created Live in Italy with Roberto De Luca.

Zappa’s image was obviously used on the front page of our magazine first edition, unfortunately by then, he was no longer with us.

He was a genius, without a doubt a great influence on my tendency to create new formats, new ideas; a desire that never abandoned me, not even when the economic resources available were making me feel the strain of continuing with my company aim.
(Source : the book No Past, No Show by Claudio Trotta)