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Fact #173724


Short story:

During her concert at The Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado, USA, Lana Del Rey tells her audience that she is prepared to remove her song Get Free from her Lust For Life album if necessary. The track has caused problems because Radiohead is suing Del Rey over similarities between it and their song Creep.

Full article:

Lana Del Rey (onstage announcement) : I just want to let you know, regardless if it gets taken down off of everything, that those sentiments that I wrote... that I really am going to strive for them, even if that song is not on future physical releases of the record... I just wanted to let you know that, for the kids and for the not-kids, who are the real fans, who are here. So that's probably the last thing I'll say about it. But thanks.
(Onstage announcement in Denver, Colorado)