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Fact #172012


Short story:

It is announced that figurines of the members of the band Motley Crue have gone into production by the company KnuckleBonz. The 8.5" tall figures are in a limited edition of 3,000 and will sell for $149 each.

Full article:

Nikki Sixx : We love to see our fans getting excited about new figurines and it’s really cool to see a company paying homage to this classic era of the band’s history. The KnuckleBonz are so detailed and true to nature. We’re really happy with the way they turned out and hope the fans will have as much fun with them as we had in the process of creating them. It’s exciting for us to be included along-side great company such as Motörhead, Guns N’ Roses, and Alice Cooper.
(Official press statement)