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Fact #171199


Short story:

Marty Robbins plays in Macon, Georgia, USA. The support band is The Jades, featuring his son Ronny Robbins.

Full article:

Ronny Robbins : My first gig in the rock band was September 8, 1968 in Macon, Georgia, USA. What I was really getting disenchanted about was nobody really seemed to be listening. The key thing there was between '67 and '68 was when all the psychedelic garbage started coming in. There was a lot of gimmickry, a lot of electronic noise. You had strobe lights, all the show. Which, you know, that's okay. It was like we're playing this good dance music and nobody's dancing anymore. That's why I was really getting disenchanted with it. Because we were playing good music and nobody heard it. When I went on the road with him, and I did three songs, almost all of a sudden I'm out front. It was a golden opportunity. I didn't realize how much it was until I started going out on my own later on. To be out in front of eight or ten thousand people, and they're all listening to you, they're all quiet and attentive, I thought WOW! This is good.
(Source : not known)