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Fact #171016


Short story:

Queen play the first of eight days at Sun City Super Bowl, Bophutswana, South Africa.

Full article:

Brian May (guitarist, Queen) : When we were taken to task by the Musicians Union for breaking their embargo on playing in South Africa, I went to their meeting and spoke in defence of our decision to go to Sun City.

The whole place applauded, and the president said that he understood and respected that our motives were good, but they would still like us to pay a fine because we had broken a union law.

My speech pointed out that Bophutswana was the only place in South Africa at the time where it was possible to play to a non-segregated audience – and that we felt we were able to strike a bigger blow against apartheid by going out there and speaking our minds.

Our feelings were confirmed by musicians, artists, businessmen and ordinary people of all colours while we were there. We were also able to do newspaper interviews speaking of our abhorrence of apartheid.
(Source : not known)